An Architects View

Four Things To Consider Before Investing In Your Property

Before you embark on your “new project,” there are a few things you need to give consideration to if your project is to be successful.

You’re embarking on your first “grand design”, you’ve taken the big step of investing in your property rather than mindlessly paying money into a bank account with a none existent interest rate.  Firstly “well done” what a great decision.

If you’ve never worked with an architect before, Hewitt&Carr would like to give you some indicators on the kind of information you may want to consider to help make the most of the investment you are about to make.  These will also help streamline the conversation with your architect and maybe provide a few questions to ask them at your first meeting.

As we see it there are four main areas you need to consider; situation, purpose, scale and design.  Like your future development the process needs a good foundation so take some time to discuss the following and have a clear understanding of where you’re heading.


So, what is your SITUATION??

Consider asking yourself the following:

What kind of building do you live in? Are you aware of any special conditions, i.e. are you in a listed building, or a conservation area? Or is your building a timber frame construction?

How long have you lived there and do you have an idea of budget?  Constraints are always important to know early in the process.

Are you wanting to build from scratch, extend the building you have or re-work the internal layout to suit a new style of living to accommodate that extra family member?

Whatever your situation, this needs to be the basis of your brief to your architect.


As for the PURPOSE

Your architect will need to know the main purpose for the project.  Have you outgrown your current space but like the location?  Is it purely an investment you’re your future?

Also, how many people do we need cater for? How many people will use the new spaces and how will they be used, on a day to day basis or once in a blue moon?

More importantly are there are any special requirements within the household that we need to consider?

At the end of the day all architecture affects the people that use it and knowing just that little bit more can make the difference between a good space and a life changing one.


When it comes to SCALE the skies the limit … or usually the budget is.

Who doesn’t want that little bit more for their buck though.  It is always good to know what your aspirations are.  The bigger the better or are you more about quality over quantity.  Consider what percentage increase the building might be or how much of the garden are you happy to lose?

How much and what interior alteration are you looking at as part of the project?

Will you want to make further alterations into the future and what might they be?

Are you thinking of a single project, or development work proceeding in phases?


DESIGN … who doesn’t like things to be pretty?

There is so much to consider here; do you like to be modern, futuristic, traditional or are you more of a pragmatist and therefore like things to be in keeping with the local vernacular?  This doesn’t just relate to the outside of the building but the inside as well.  So be honest and stay true to your desires and most importantly of all let your architect guide you – that’s what we are there for.


If you have a project and would like some architectural advice just click >HERE< to see our process guide.

If you prefer you can call for a friendly chat on 01538 756888 or email