A key part of any project is the planning and so we caught up with our planning consultant, Rob Duncan, and had a chat about his role and his aspirations for the future.

What Got You Interested in The Sector You Are in?

I always had a desire to contribute positively to my environment and the planning sector was an opportunity to have a direct involvement in shaping the world in which we live. 

What do You Love About Your Job?

I enjoy contributing to development projects and helping them to evolve into high quality schemes.

What are the negatives about Your Sector And How do You Differ?

The sector suffers from a general negative public perception, derived from the often controversial nature of new developments.  A lack of resources in local authority planning departments also hinders the sector.  I offer timely and professional advice to help guide applicant’s through the complexities of the planning system.

What Are Your Aspirations For The Future?

To see my business continue to grow and to live my life to the fullest.

What Advice Would You Give to Someone Wanting to Work in Your Sector?

Try to experience working in both the private and public sectors early in your career to gain insight into how each sector operates, its priorities, and the challenges it faces. 

What’s Happening in Your Business Right Now That You’d Like People to Know?

My business is currently growing at a significant rate, with a number of interesting and challenging new projects coming forward.  These come from a broad spectrum, and include large scale residential schemes, renewable energy developments, listed barn conversions and narrowboat marinas, amongst others.

What Are Your 3 Rules of Success?

Stay organised

Don’t be afraid to try something new

Keep a good work/life balance – life is for living